Is my child school ready?
some risk factors for a tricky p1 transition
Difficulty staying focused or easily distracted​
​Unable to sustain attention for 14-21 minutes during sit-down taskS
Poor pencil grip or illegible writing
Unable to form lowercase letters correctly
Unable to use diagonal and horizontal strokes for letter connections
Unable to write uppercase letters and digits accurately
Unable to use spacing between words appropriately
Unable to develop an adaptive pencil grasp that allows for dynamic movements of writing material, for better writing endurance
Struggles with letter recognition, reading, or spelling
Unable to use letter-sound knowledge to decode unfamiliar words
Unable to recognise and read high-frequency words
Unable to read simple story books with ease
Unable to spell and write basic vocabulary and high-frequency words
Unable to apply capitalisation and punctuation in their writing
Trouble expressing thoughts verbally or understanding instructions
Does not have expressive language skills that include constructing sentences of 5-6 words, and using a vocabulary of around 2000 words
Does not have receptive language abilities that encompass understanding multiple meanings of words, recognising synonyms, and comprehending spatial relations and descriptive terms
social skills
Difficulty playing cooperatively or making friends
Unable to engage in imaginative play
Unable to negotiate roles
Unable to organise activities
Unable to play cooperatively. It is alright to, though they may struggle with losing but if it affects your child’s ability to maintain friendships or stay in a group this is a skill to work on. Such skills are important in primary school where teamwork and sharing of group ideas is required
motor skills
Lack of coordination or balance.
Unable to run while maintaining balance, and avoiding obstacles
Unable to jump and skips forward
Unable to bounce, catch, throw, or kick a ball
Unable to use hands to hang on play equipment with bars
Unable to ride and steer a bicycle
Programme Details
Ratio :
1 therapist to 2 children
Maximum 6 children per group​
$190 per session
Children aged 5 to 7 years old
Every Tuesday, 4:00 - 5:30 pm
Group Size :
Fees :
Age Group :
Session Schedule :