Diagnostic Assessments
Our Psychologists are able to provide wholistic and accurate diagnosis for various neurodevelopmental conditions and school-based supports/accomodations

Types of Psychological Assessments

Understand your child's innate verbal and nonverbal abilities
Cognitive Assessment (IQ)
Intellectual Disability
school readiness

Is your child ready to enter Primary 1? Deferment is possible if your child is not ready
Developmental Assessments
School Readiness Assessments
learning & attention

Identify if your child has significant learning and attention difficulties that may require specialised support and accommodations
Learning Disorders
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

An in-depth parent interview and standardised testing can help to identify if your child's behaviours are on the autism spectrum
Developmental Diagnoses
Global Developmental Delays
Reasons For Doing Psychological Assessment
A psychological assessment can help you understand your child and make plans for their future
To assess if your child may be gifted

For entry into international schools or special education schools

To identify if your child may have underlying difficulties that may require specialist remediation

To apply for examination accommodations

Diagnostic/Therapy Process
*This session is done without the child present as they may feel uncomfortable hearing about their difficulties

Topics that will
be discussed:
Presenting Concerns
Developmental History
Home Environment
Parenting Styles
Schooling History
Psycheducational assessments may be conducted to identify if your child meets the criteria for a disorder
Depending on the concerns raised, appropriate therapies may be suggested to address the problems shared
Parent Interview
1) An in-depth parent interview is necessary to gather information about the child's background and presenting problems
(1 session)

Session with Child
2) Meeting with the child to observe the child's behaviour and to get to know the child
(1 session)

Assessments may be recommended again after some interventions if school access accommodations are required for exams
Educational Therapy